Unlimited Partner Award

Unlimited is partnering with 17 UK organisations to offer 20 awards to disabled artists. These awards will offer a grand total of £584,000 to commission artists on a national and international level.  

As the world’s largest disabled arts commissioner, Unlimited have been supporting disabled artists since 2013. In April 2022, Unlimited became an independent organisation with a mission to commission extraordinary work from disabled artists until the whole of the cultural sector does. In its first year of becoming an independent organisation, Unlimited are doing things differently to dismantle barriers disabled artists face and to support systemic and sustainable change.  

These awards will give disabled artists the chance to develop and present work across the country and/or internationally across rural and city locations, with a partner organisation for digital or in person, collective or individual experiences.  


Cat Sheridan, Senior Producer, Unlimited: “It is incredibly exciting to be announcing over half a million pounds of commissioning money for disabled artists with a host of world-class partners this year. Our mission as a newly independent organisation is to challenge the cultural sector, change perceptions of disability and back disabled artists.  We cannot do that without working in partnership, and this year’s round of awards demonstrates not only national but international ambition and appetite for that change to happen. Disabled artists from right across the UK are invited to apply and I cannot wait to see the extraordinary work that is created.” 

Partners based in England are Polka Theatre; Sage Gateshead; Wellcome Collection; Homotopia and Marlborough Productions; The Art House, Wakefield and LEVEL Centre; Barbican Theatre, Plymouth and Real Ideas; Southbank Centre and Bristol Ideas. In Wales: National Theatre Wales, National Dance Company Wales and Span Arts; and in Scotland: Eden Court, Inverness and An Tobar and Mull Theatre. 

Mark Illes, Producer, An Tobar and Mull Theatre: “We are delighted to be partnering with Unlimited to offer disabled artists in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland the opportunity to create an outstanding piece of work inspired and informed by the remoteness of our Hebridean home.  The unique experience of living and working in remote regions as a disabled artist is too often overlooked in our city-focussed cultural narrative and we hope that with this commission we’ll find a rare opportunity to centre artistic voices with intersectional experiences that will enrich the wider culture.”  

The total commission pot of £584,000 sees generous funding from Arts Council England, Arts Council Wales, Creative Scotland and our 17 partners. This funding will then be split into 20 awards across those partners. This includes £280,000 directly from the British Council which will go towards international awards for artists. Award amounts range from £15,000 - £60,000 with the opportunity for artists to apply for awards that suit them, their art form, and what stage of development their work is currently in. 

Neil Webb, Director, Theatre and Dance, British Council: “The world needs more collaboration now – I’m delighted the British Council’s long-standing relationship with Unlimited continues, which means we can fund more disabled artists to collaborate internationally with larger scale awards, building on the British Council Unlimited micro commissions we have supported over the pandemic. The UK has a global reputation for the quality, range and innovation of disability-led art – with these awards, we can harness that exceptional work and help it impact globally.”

Unlimited commission extraordinary work by disabled artists that is rebellious, radical, adventurous, inspiring, and playful. We believe in the power of disabled artists' work to spark radical and positive change. Previous commissions have varied in artform and scale, ranging from debut albums, cookbooks, art installations, an interactive multimedia comic book, art set in swimming pools, dance, forest symphonies, theatre and much more. Together we are Unlimited, changing perceptions of disability, challenging the cultural sector to make more space for disabled artists through commissioning extraordinary artwork. 

All the information on the award announcement and details on how to apply can be found here. Applications will open on Tuesday 4 October and close on Monday 31 October 2022


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